Sunday, March 28, 2010

Το μέλλον των εφημερίδων

Μια πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα ενημέρωση από την ιστοσελίδα του Joe Trippi, συγγραφέα του βιβλίου "The revolution will not be televised" και  campaign manager του προεδρικού υποψηφίου και τέως κυβερνήτη του Vermont  Howard Dean.

Η ανάρτηση κλείνει με ένα ενδιαφέρον ερώτημα: Θα επιβιώσει η βιομηχανία των εφημερίδων; Η ανάγνωση των αριθμών που παρατίθενται δεν είναι αισιόδοξη.

Σημείωση: Δεν γνωρίζω αν στις ΗΠΑ  το κράτος επιβάλλει στις επιχειρήσεις να δημοσιεύουν τους ισολογισμούς τους στις εφημερίδες ή αν λαμβάνουν κρατική διαφήμιση για μονοπωλιακές κρατικές δραστηριότητες.

The stats keep getting worse for the newspaper industry…
On Wednesday, the Newspaper Association of America released their ad revenue numbers and, as expected, 2009 was disastrous.
Mashable took a look at the numbers.
In 2009, newspapers made $27.564 billion in total advertising revenue. As a whole, they generated $24.821 in print revenue, while the rest ($2.743 billion) came from online advertising.
Those numbers are indeed big, but when you put them in context, they are simply bad. In 2008, newspapers made $37.848 billion. Yes, they made a full $10 billion more last year than they did this year, a staggering drop of 27.2%. Nearly all of that loss was from print: Newspapers made $34.74 billion in print advertising in 2008, while they only accumulated $24.821 billion in 2009.
The story’s even worse when you go farther back into newspaper advertising history. Let me outline just how far newspapers have fallen:
In 2000, newspapers peaked at $48.67 billion in revenue. This came entirely from print — the NAA did not track online ad revenue at that time, but we can assume it was a minuscule number.
In 2001, it started dropping. Revenues dropped from $48.67 billion to $44.305 billion, a 9% decrease year-over-year. This was during the time of the Dot Com Bust and the related recession, so this is no big surprise.
During 2002-2006, print advertising revenues hovered between $44 and $47 billion.
Around this time, the NAA also began tracking online ad revenue. At the peak in 2005, combined ad revenue reached $49.435 billion, with $2.027 billion of it coming from online sales
Then the floor completely caved in. In 2006, newspapers made $49.275 billion in total revenue. In 2007, it was $45.375 billion. In 2008, it dropped to $37.848 billion. In 2009, it plummeted all the way to $27.564 billion. In four years, newspaper ad revenue dropped by 44.24%. That’s nearly half of the industry’s revenue.

It looks bleak, but what do you think? Will the newspaper industry survive?

1 comment:

  1. Νίκος Γουσέτης2:06 pm

    "ή αν λαμβάνουν κρατική διαφήμιση για μονοπωλιακές κρατικές δραστηριότητες"

    Εξαιρετικά κομψή, όσο και αιχμηρή αντιπολιτευτική διατυπωση στο υπάρχον πολιτικό σύστημα, κ. Υφυπουργέ. Μη εξαιρουμένης βεβαίως και της Κυβερνησης, στην οποία είστε μέλος
