Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Obama, Clinton, McCain για το Κόσσοβο

Δεν έχω αντιληφθεί το μέγεθος των στρατηγικών συμφερόντων των ΗΠΑ όσο αφορά το Κόσσοβο. Μου κάνει όμως εντύπωση η σχεδόν ταυτόσημη θέση των υποψηφίων προέδρων που συντάσσονται πλήρως με τον G. Bush.
Ομολογώ ότι με απογοητεύει η θέση του Obama.
Παραθέτω στην συνέχεια τις δηλώσεις Obama και Clinton για το θέμα στις 17/2. (Παρόμοια ήταν και η δήλωση McCain).

Today’s announcement of independence by the leadership of Kosovo ends a chain of events that began with the bloody break-up of the former Yugoslavia. Kosovo’s independence is a unique situation resulting from the irreparable rupture Slobodan Milosevic’s actions caused; it is in no way a precedent for anyone else in the region or around the world.
Kosovo’s independence carries with it important responsibilities. The international community has devoted enormous resources to Kosovo’s political, economic and social development for nearly a decade, with results not always meeting expectations. I hope that Kosovo’s government and people act with urgency to ensure that Kosovo becomes a positive example of democratic governance and the rule of law. All the people of Kosovo, be they of Albanian, Serb or other origin, must be able to live in a free, tolerant and prosperous society where minority rights and religious sites are fully protected, and the people of Kosovo have a stake in one another’s success.
Serbia and its people have also suffered terribly over the past two decades. Serbs deserve a more peaceful, prosperous, and hopeful future. This month’s re-election of President Boris Tadic was a critical step in moving Serbia closer to the goal of full integration into the democratic West, including membership in Euro-Atlantic institutions that can help bring more stability and prosperity to the people of Serbia. Serbia ultimately belongs in the European Union. The EU and Serbia should rapidly deepen their ties, a move that would help demonstrate to the Serb people that they are indeed genuinely part of the West.
I honor the service of all Americans, military and civilian, who have worked so hard to bring peace to the Balkans. The United States must continue to work with our European allies on behalf of the security and prosperity of the entire region. I am convinced that, with our support, Serbia and Kosovo can emerge as models of democratic and economic growth, and their people can know a bright future.

I welcome the historic declaration of Kosova independence issued today in Pristina. I urge our friends and allies and around the world to join the United States and European Union countries in promptly recognizing an independent Kosova.
This is a historic step that will allow the people of Kosova to finally live in their own democratic state. It will allow Kosova and Serbia to finally put a difficult chapter in their history behind them and to move forward. Resolving this issue has taken too long and has held both of these proud peoples back from pursuing a better European and Euro-Atlantic future. It is time now for all of us to look ahead and to focus on the challenge of building an independent Kosova and supporting a democratic Serbia in an integrated Europe.
I want to underscore the need to avoid any violence or provocations in the days and weeks ahead. Kosovars and Serbs have seen too much violence and too many provocations in the past. It is time to focus on improving the lives of people living in both countries and the integration of these countries into the West.
In recognizing the independence of Kosova, I want to stress the high importance that I attach to full protection of the rights of all minorities in Kosova, especially the Serbs, and to safeguard Serbian cultural and religious heritage sites in Kosova. The international community must stand firm on these points.
I remain concerned about the deterioration of the situation in neighboring Bosnia and urge the Bush Administration to pay more attention to this issue, so that it does not once again become a major threat to European stability.
I regret that is has taken so long for us to reach this historic juncture and that the Bush Administration has not always given the issues of Kosova, Serbia’s democratic future, and the Balkans the attention they deserve. This has helped contribute to the complicated and risky situation on the ground in the Balkans that we still face today. I look forward to working with the democratic leaders in this region and will once again make the full integration of the Western Balkans into Europe and the Euro-Atlantic community the priority it should be.


  1. "Serbia ultimately belongs in the European Union. The EU and Serbia should rapidly deepen their ties, a move that would help demonstrate to the Serb people that they are indeed genuinely part of the West."
    ...Αυτό δεν είναι και πολύ αισιόδοξο για την ΕΕ όμως...
    Νωρίς δεν το ξεκινάει?
    Ήδη έχει πρόβλημα η εμβάθυνση λόγω της διεύρυνσης, και μόλις που ηρέμησαν τα πράγματα με τους εμβόλιμους υποβολιμαίους δίδυμους Πολωνούς...

    Σχετικά με την Clinton, το κοινό της πρέπει να είναι εντελώς διαφορετικό από του Obama για να μιλάει έτσι "λαϊκά"... Μπορείτε μήπως να με διαφωτίσετε γιατί δεν το έχω ψάξει καλά το θέμα?

    Και κάτι τελευταίο από τη βραδιά των Οσκαρ:
    "Oscar is 80 this year, which makes him now automatically the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. You have to admit, this is a huge election. An historic election. So much excitement. For the first time in so many years we don’t have an incumbent president or an incumbent vice-president. The field is wide open. Have you all had a chance to examine all the candidates, study their positions and pick the Democrat you’ll vote for?
    Democrats do have an historic race going. Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama. Normally, when you see a black man or a woman president, an asteroid is about to hit the Statue of Liberty.
    How will we know it’s the future? Silver unitards, that can’t be all? You have to give Barack Obama credit, he’s overcome a great deal. Not just he’s an African-American. Barack Hussein Obama is his name.
    His middle name is the last name of Iraq’s former tyrant.
    His last name rhymes with Osama. That’s not easy to overcome.
    I think we all remember the ill fated 1944 presidential campaign of Gaydolf Titler.
    It’s just a shame, Titler had so many good ideas. We just couldn’t get past the name."

    Το θεώρησα πολύ έξυπνο!!!

    Ευχαριστώ για τη φιλοξενία!!!

  2. Πράγματι, έχουν διαφορετικά ακροατήρια. (Εκτός βέβαια από την βάση του κόμματος που θα ψηφίσει όποιον και να κερδίσει). Ο Obama, απευθύνεται και στος ψηφοφόρους που δεν ανήκουν στο δημοκρατικό κόμμα. Αντίθετα, η Hillary είναι η πιό "διχαστική" υποψήφια στην ιστορία των ΗΠΑ. (Στην Καλιφόρνια πχ το 30% των ψηφοφόρων λένε ότι αποκλείεται να ψηφίσουν Hillary.

    οσο για το: I think we all remember the ill fated 1944 presidential campaign of Gaydolf Titler, θα έλεγα Εξυπνο, αλλά...
    Το να θυμάμαται κανείς σήμερα το τι έγινε το 1944 είναι μάλλον δύσκολο για αντικειμενικούς λόγους.
