Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Αξιολόγηση των γιατρών στο διαδύκτιο

Ενδιαφέρουσα πρωτοβουλία της Αγγλικής κυβέρνησης. (Από τον σημερινό Guardian).

Αξιολόγηση των γιατρών από τους ασθενείς (όπως κάνει το Αμαζον με τα βιβλία).

Ministers are planning to force GPs to improve their performance by posting patients' comments about them on an NHS website, the Guardian can reveal.
They hope consumer power will make GPs offer a better service for fear that patients may switch to another practice with better website reviews.
Bradshaw told the Guardian that he wants the site to do for healthcare what Amazon has done for the book trade and Trip Adviser for the travel industry: providing positive and negative feedback, warts and all, from consumers. But when the plan was explained to leaders of the British Medical Association, they said it would put doctors into a meaningless popularity contest that told patients nothing about medical skill.
Since April, NHS Choices has given patients the opportunity to post comments on hospitals. Analysis of the first 6,500 comments showed 24% were positive, 27% negative and the rest were balanced or neutral. Bradshaw wants to give patients access to similar feedback about GPs.

1 comment:

  1. "It would put doctors into a meaningless popularity contest that told patients nothing about medical skill." Με εκφράζει απόλυτα. Ας αρχίσουμε να δίνουμε επιτέλους βάση στην ουσία και όχι στην εικόνα!
